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EAP Ideas & Feedback
Created by Ginevra Perelli
Created on Jan 31, 2022

ESG Risk Radar

The ESG Risk Radar is a tool (feature) for evaluating ESG Risks for companies in particular industries (and the sub-industries that apply to them and their subsidiaries) to evaluate ESG risks in their Supply Chain. This Feature pulls-in data from a "ESG Supply Chain Risks Database" (a major work component of this feature) and compares the company, its Exposure, Management, Incidents and those of its suppliers versus those Risks for the applicable sub-industries. The tool then tries to quantify these risks to the company to help a company to focus its efforts in reducing ESG risks in its Supply Chain. These results should be presented in a Report, including charts that is no longer than a few pages when printed.

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    Ginevra Perelli
    Jan 31, 2022

    Ian's comment (March 2020)

    Jon is commenting at the need to be able to do more analysis at the portfolio/category level, so that many suppliers can be evaluated at a high/portfolio/category level to find outliers and to see average category risk.

    NB: I put this later as I assumed that this would be tough to fit into MVP1